
How can scrap tires help save the environment?

a. better education
b. make lots of swings
c. drive fewer miles
d. burn them for fuel

The answer is d.

In 2003, 130 million scrap tires were used as fuel, up from 25.9 million in 1991. Tires can be used as fuel either in shredded form - known as tire derived fuel (TDF) - or whole, depending on the type of combustion device. Scrap tires are typically used as a supplement to traditional fuels such as coal or wood. There are several advantages to using tires as fuel. For example, tires produce the same amount of energy as oil and 25 percent more energy than coal.

Before you use a pesticide you should

a. wash your hands
b. wrap it in plastic
c. sweep the floor
d. read the label

The answer is d.

Many pesticides may pose some risk to humans, animals, or the environment, simply because they are designed to kill or somehow harm pests. At the same time, pesticides are useful because they control disease-causing insects, weeds, or other pests. Literally, "the label is the law" and it's your guide to using pesticides safely and effectively. The label contains pertinent information that you should read and understand before you use any pesticide product. Read the label first | FOR KIDS: What is a pesticide?

If your skin burns in ten minutes, what SPF sunblock should you use to be outside for 5 hours?

a. SPF 4
b. SPF 15
c. SPF 30
d. Just stay inside

The answer is c.

Sun Protection Factor, or SPF, is a multiple of how much time you can stay in the sun without burning your skin. If your skin burns in ten minutes, and you use SPF 30, you should be able to stay in the sun for 300 minutes (5 hours) without burning (length of time for your skin to redden x SPF = length of time you're protected. . The higher the SPF value, the greater the protection. It is recommended that you apply several times a day, especially if you sweat or are in the water. Sunscreen lotion with SPF prevents the absorption of UV-B rays from the sun. Overexposure to the sun not only causes sunburn, but can also cause eye damage premature wrinkling, skin cancer, and damage to your immune system. Sun Safety Action Steps | Sunwise for Kids

Which creates more pollution, the average car or the average home?

a. average car
b. average home
c. about the same
d. neither

The answer is b.

The average home creates more pollution than the average car. One inexpensive and energy- efficient way you can cut your home-related pollution is to replace old light bulbs and fixtures with EnergyStar-qualified lighting. Changing just five conventional bulbs to energy-efficient bulbs can save an estimated $60 per year. That's a $6 billion energy savings for Americans and an energy savings equivalent to the annual output of more than 21 power plants. And if every American household did this, together we'd keep more than one trillion pounds of greenhouse gas out of our air. Learn more

What is the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of garbage?

a. recycling
b. composting
c. use less stuff
d. landfilling

The answer is c.

Source reduction is a basic solution to the garbage glut: using less material means less waste at the end. Because source reduction actually prevents the generation of waste in the first place, it comes before other options that deal with trash after it already exists. Recycling (or re-using) and composting are the next best options because they reduce the amount of waste going to landfills and also let materials be re-claimed and used again when possible. Landfilling is the last option, when waste and materials are simply discarded. Tips for reducing waste at home.

How many lightbulbs does it take to save $10 billion?

a. one
b. one in each home
c. 25 million
d. 10 billion

The answer is b.

Nearly 20 percent of our home's electricity use goes to lighting. Choosing energy-efficient lighting is an easy way to start using energy wisely. Switch out a single light bulb or fixture in your home to a light that's earned the government's ENERGY STAR for energy efficiency. Most electricity in the United States is generated by burning fossil fuels such as coal or oil, which release greenhouse gases into our air. So, when you use less energy, you help prevent global climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Take the pledge to save energy.

A typical light bulb wastes what percent of electricity?

a. 5 percent
b. 30 percent
c. 65 percent
d. 90 percent

The answer is d.

The typical incandescent light bulb turns only about 10 percent of its electricity into light. A typical light bulb, when on, is hot. That's because 90 percent of the energy is wasted as heat, which means it isn't very energy-efficient. EnergyStar-qualified lighting, such as compact fluorescent bulbs, uses two-thirds less energy and generates 70 percent less heat thanWhy do some traffic signals look like dots?

a. a hallucination
b. to frighten birds
c. a cluster of tiny lights
d. recycled fish scales

The answer is c.

The dots you see in many traffic signals are LEDs - dozens of tiny Light Emitting Diodes clustered together to create one large traffic signal. LEDs are used because a LED light consumes 90 percent less electricity than conventional light bulbs and therefore save energy and money. And because LEDs can last 10 years or longer, they also save on maintenance costs. Inside an LED (from Arizona State University). Exit EPA Disclaimer

an equivalent incandescent light bulb. More about energy efficient lighting.

Cruise ships generate a large volume of waste due to

a. exotic destinations

b. spicy food served
c. numbers of passengers
d. multiple time zones

The answer is c.

Large cruise ships provide overnight accommodations for 3,000 or more passengers for multiple days. In contrast to similarly-sized cargo ships, cruise ships generate a substantially larger volume of wastewater due to the higher number of passengers and crew, and more waste from activities or services such as restaurants, dry-cleaning, photo processing, salons and spas, shopping and recreation, medical services, and others.

However, vessels are responsible for proper trash disposal. It is illegal to dump plastic refuse, and garbage mixed with plastic, into any waters; and dumping non-plastic trash and other forms of garbage is restricted. The law applies to all
U.S. vessels wherever they operate (except in waters under exclusive jurisdiction of a U.S. state) and to foreign vessels operating in U.S. waters. With 3,000 or more passengers, cruise ships have potential to cause a large environmental impact if they do not dispose of waste properly. Report suspected illegal dumping to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 or the Coast Guard at 1-800-368-5647. More about about cruise ship discharges | Cruise ship consumer fact sheet (Coast Guard)

Which creates more pollution, the average car or the average home?

a. average car
b. average home
c. about the same
d. neither

The answer is b.

The average home creates more pollution than the average car. One inexpensive and energy- efficient way you can cut your home-related pollution is to replace old light bulbs and fixtures with EnergyStar-qualified lighting. Changing just five conventional bulbs to energy-efficient bulbs can save an estimated $60 per year. That's a $6 billion energy savings for Americans and an energy savings equivalent to the annual output of more than 21 power plants. And if every American household did this, together we'd keep more than one trillion pounds of greenhouse gas out of our air. Learn more...

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